BBW (Side Story) Chapter 266 : Reunited

At that moment, a cold voice came from the front: "If he still has the life to do it."

Kaoshan Wang1 turned to the source of the voice and saw a man with a long sword and a frosty expression slowly approaching from outside. The aura of death surrounded the man, and with every step he took, it felt like death was getting closer.

Kaoshan Wang1 unconsciously leaned back and asked, "Who are you?"

"The one who takes your life." The long sword in Fu Chengfeng's hand stepped forward with his footsteps, making a long, three-centimetre-deep mark on the ground.

However, no one could see the slightest strain on his face, as if it were easy for him.

Kaoshan Wang1 was so frightened by Fu Chengfeng's extraordinary internal strength that his hands and feet trembled. Seeing that death was getting closer and closer to him, he took a few steps back. When Kaoshan Wang1 could no longer retreat, like a cornered dog jumping over the wall2, he snatched the Terrifying Dragon Leaf from Qin Mu'an's hand. But as he aimed the Terrifying Dragon Leaf at Fu Chengfeng, a sharp and cold long sword also pierced his heart.

"Fu Chengfeng, you are mad! Killing a vassal king is a capital crime!" This rebuke came from Qin Mu'an.

"Death is a gift to me," Fu Chengfeng said nonchalantly. Even a slight smile crept out of the corner of his mouth as if death were a delightful thing.

After a while, Fu Chengfeng suddenly frowned and looked at Qin Mu'an. He stared into his eyes and said, "It's you."

Qin Muan was startled for a moment, then nodded. "It's me."

"So this is your secret. Qin Mu'an is Qin Muzhi, and Qin Muzhi is Qin Mu'an. Those so-called times when you went out to do business were the times when you went to Jinling, where you assumed the identity of 'Qin Mu'an' and became Kaoshan Wang1's trusted confidant." Fu Chengfeng suddenly understood why he had always felt that there was a secret with Qin Muzhi all these years but could not find out what it was. Whenever he got close to the truth, he suddenly hit a dead end.

Qin Mu Dao: "That’s right. Qin Muan is Qin Muzhi."

"On the one hand, you are using Qin Muzhi's identity to gain prestige in the jianghu3, and on the other hand, you are using Qin Mu'an's identity to get close to Kaoshan Wang1 and become his trusted confidant. What exactly are you planning?" Fu Chengfeng asked.

Qin Mu'an replied, "You will soon know."

"I, on the other hand, don't think so." Fu Chengfeng raised his Duantian Sword as he slowly spoke, admiring it, "If you die, no one will tell me the truth. You, on the other hand, will die quicker than soon." Before he had even finished speaking, the sword in Fu Chengfeng's hand had already stabbed Qin Muzhi. However, Qin Muzhi was not struck by the sword as he expected; instead, he hardened his body to deflect the sword.

Fu Chengfeng was shocked. "Golden Bell Shroud! Qin Muzhi, how many layers do you have?"

Qin Muzhi slowly and methodically tugged at his clothes, allowing the front to return to neatness before he replied, "You will know soon. Trust me, it will be soon."

Fu Chengfeng said nothing. The Golden Bell Shroud was Yun Hendong's famous martial arts skill and unique technique. With his current status and age, he would not easily pass on his unique technique to an outsider. If he passed the Golden Bell Shroud on to someone else, he would expose his emptiness, and if the person he passed it on to was not trustworthy, Yun Hendong would face disaster.

In Fu Chengfeng's impression, Yun Hendong was cautious and suspicious and would not make such a risky move.

Then, there were only two possibilities: Yun Hendong trusted Qin Muzhi more than his life, or Qin Muzhi had stolen the secret book of the Golden Bell.

Would Yun Hendong trust an outsider more than his life? Unlikely.

Then, the only reason left was that Qin Muzhi had stolen the Golden Bell secret book.

Suddenly, Fu Chengfeng remembered everything that had happened at Moon Manor, and a clue flashed through his mind, a clue that would reveal the truth, but it was just too fleeting for him to catch.

At this time, Yun Nitian was afraid that Fu Chengfeng hadn't noticed him, so he stepped forward and asked, "Did you kill Liu Yidao?"

Fu Chengfeng: "No."

"What a pity." Yun Nitian's face showed a slight disappointment.

Fu Chengfeng gave him a cold look and asked, "Why are you so mean?"

Yun Nitian coldly snorted as he replied, "The mean one here is you because, in the near future, it will be more painful for him to live than to die. It's better to die and get it over with."

"If you don't want him to suffer, why did you......"

"Of course you won't know!" Yun Nitian suddenly interrupted Fu Zhanfeng as if he had gone mad. His face was fierce as he said word for word, "Because I used to live a life more painful than dying, and I want to end that pain."

Fu Chengfeng said, "Your pain is already over."

"Ah, hehe, that person is still alive. How could my pain end?" After saying these words, Yun Nitian left with a flick of his sleeve4.

Qin Muzhi glanced at Fu Chengfeng before following Yun Nitian and taking along his cavalry reinforcements.

Fu Chengfeng could have stopped them. Even if Qin Muzhi had the Golden Bell Shroud protecting his body, it would have been more than enough to kill him with his current strength, but he did not do so because it was not yet time to settle the score.

After Qin Muzhi and Yun Nitian left the Kaoshan Wangfu5, a middle-aged man in silver armour emerged from the inner room. His appearance was identical to that of the Kaoshan Wang1, who had collapsed on the ground.🦊

Fu Chengfeng hastily put away his Duantian Sword and saluted, "This caomin7, Fu Chengfeng, has met Kaoshan Wang1."

Kaoshan Wang1 said smilingly, "No need to be polite, no need to be polite. We are members of the same family. There is no need to be so formal."

"That's right. Big Brother Fu, you helped him eliminate two of his biggest troubles. You are his benefactor. He hasn't even repaid you yet. How can he accept such a grand courtesy from you?" Accompanying this somewhat arrogant joke, a flash of goose-yellow shadow swung into the lobby.

When his beloved appeared, Fu Chengfeng didn't care about his manners and flew forward to hug Rong Yi tightly. Only after a long time did he whisper, "Yi-er, don't make such jokes with me again."

At this time, Mr Shi Er, who was lying on the floor with his arms tied behind his back and the rope then looped around his neck, also reacted to the shock of 'Rong Yi's resurrection' by crying out loud: "Little Young Miss, Little Young Master, can you please let me know first when you are playing a joke next time? You guys almost scared me to death!"

Rong Yi pulled him up with a smile and said, "Mr Shi Er, if I told you in advance, how would I know the extent of your loyalty to our Murong Mansion?"

Mr Shi Er froze, then pointed to the sky and swore, "The reason I didn't die... No, no, I mean dying in the line of duty; also, no, I mean dying sincerely, dying sincerely... The reason why I didn't die sincerely is that I was thinking of staying alive to report to Miss in the hope that she could avenge you."

A noob translator, きつね, translated this noob translation. Please read this chapter at If you read this in another location other than the site stated, it has been taken without the translator's permission. Please don't support this kind of act.

Rong Yi: "I'll report it for you, so you can now start to die sincerely."

You can start to die sincerely... to die sincerely... to die... Mr Shi Er was at a loss as he looked at Rong Yi and silently wondered: Are you kidding me?

Rong Yi laughed happily in Fu Chengfeng's arms.

"All right, Yi-er, first tell me what's going on," Fu Chengfeng said.

Rong Yi blinked. "Did you not receive the letter I asked someone to send to you?"

"If I hadn't received it, blood would have flowed like a river in Kaoshan Wangfu5 earlier," Fu Chengfeng replied.

"Cough cough." Kaoshan Wang1 coughed twice, reminding someone not to speak too loudly.

"You don't have to cough. What he said is true." Another figure came from inside.

Seeing this, Kaoshan Wang1 quickly stood up and saluted. "Your Majesty, didn't this humble officer send someone to escort you8 back to the palace? Why did you8..."

Chu Murong walked over to Kaoshan Wang1's chair and sat down, asking, "How can Zhen9 leave without avenging this great revenge?"

Backer King: "This humble officer will avenge you8. Your safety is tied to the state's power, which we should not treat as trivial."

With a headache, Chu Murong rubbed the base of his ears and said: "Kaoshan Wang1, you are a military commander. Don't imitate those officials who are trying to control Zhen9."

Kaoshan Wang1 hastily bowed his head and said, "Chen10 is terrified."

Chu Murong waved his hand. "All right. Take me to the military camp."

Kaoshan Wang1: "Yes. This humble officer will send someone to prepare immediately."

"No need to be extravagant; I will go there in civilian clothes."

Kaoshan Wang1 was puzzled. "Why?"

Chu Murong replied calmly, "I don't have the Dragon Robe with me."😂


After Chu Murong and Kaoshan Wang1 left, Mr Shi Er had the good sense to follow them out, saying, "I want to take a private walk in civilian clothes, too."

"A private walk in civilian clothes is not allowed. Zhen9 permits you to run."

"......" Why did he find these two little devils even more annoying than the couple in the palace?

Fu Chengfeng was also amused by Chu Murong. When all the irrelevant people around him were gone, he wiped away his smile and asked Rong Yi seriously: "Can you tell me the whole story now?"

"Sure, but we need to go somewhere else." With that, Rong Yi hooked her hands around Fu Chengfeng's neck and said, "Use your qinggong12 to take me to a place where we can be alone, and I will tell you the whole story in detail."

Fu Chengfeng very cooperatively picked her up by the waist, and before they left, a question suddenly came to his mind, "The part about you losing all your martial arts skills, is that true or false?"



Fu Chengfeng searched around Kaoshan Wangfu5 several times with Rong Yi before finally stopping on the roof of the wangfu5 compound. No one could blame him for not being able to move out. Jinling was so prosperous and overcrowded that you couldn't even find a sparsely populated place.

Seeing the apology in Fu Chengfeng's eyes, Rong Yi chuckled and hugged his arm, saying, "It's okay. I like rooftops. I can stand so high and see a lot in the distance."

Fu Chengfeng heard the words and echoed ambiguously: "Yes, stand so high and see a lot in the distance."

Rong Yi stared at him strangely and suddenly understood what he meant by 'seeing a lot from the distance'. Her face flushed to the roots of her ears as she said, "Don't be indecent!"

"Are you a decent one?" Fu Chengfeng leaned closer to her mouth and said, "You were so decent that you sat on the roof just to see me nak*d."🦊

"That was an accident!"

"What about eating me dry?"🦊

"That, that was an accident, too."

"I love those accidents so much."


"Can you give me some more accidents? Like this one, for example."

Before Rong Yi could answer, Fu Chengfeng was already kissing her. Unlike the forceful kiss she had given him when she was out of control, this kiss made Rong Yi feel as if he had turned her into a pool of water.

As Rong Yi started to kiss him further, Fu Chengfeng suddenly stopped and said, "You can start telling me."

Telling you what? Rong Yi froze for a moment before blushing and answering, "Okay."

Hearing her answer, Fu Chengfeng curled his lips slightly and said, "I'll let you tell the whole story."

Rong Yi immediately punched his mouth in annoyance.😂

Then, Fu Chengfeng spat out blood, real blood.

Footnotes Full List
  1. King
  2. Chinese idiom: to be driven to desperate action
  3. lit. rivers and lakes—people who wander from place to place and live by their wits, e.g. fortune-tellers, quack doctors, itinerant entertainers, etc., who are regarded as a social group
  4. Chinese idiom: go off in a huff
  5. wang=king, fu=residence
  6. Even after going through the next chapter, I still don't know if this 'dead Kaoshan Wang' is real or not.
  7. (historical, humble, self-deprecating) I (used by a commoner when addressing the emperor or an official)
  8. the author has used the polite form of you 您 (nín) here instead of the informal one 你 ()
  9. (used by an emperor or king) I; me; we (the royal "we")
  10. I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign)
  11. So, if you have your Dragon Robe, you will go to the military camp with great grandeur?
  12. 'the art of lightness'. The body is trained to be 'light as a feather' so that a person can run at great speed, leap high, and land softly on the tip of their toes.
  13. He was referring to chapter 237.
  14. He was referring to chapter 254.
  15. She must have misunderstood that he was telling her to answer his question before they kissed.


DISCLAIMER: I don't own the raw novels, images, and videos on this site. But I do own the translations. If you're interested in translating it to other languages, no problem with me. Just link to this site.

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23 Jul 24
🦊 : I've updated 3 new chapters for ROHYX on my Ko-fi page: Chapters 531, 532 & 533. Those who have sponsored me some teas, you have 30 days of access to all the chapters available there starting from the day you sponsor me. 😊